There are many things you can do while visiting Montreal: you could barhop the world famous nightlife, you could try poutine, you could try speaking French, or you could make anti-Semitic gaffes about noses on national TV.

In a candid interview closing question, Off the Record's Michael Landsberg asks ex-coach and current Senator Jacques Demers what crazy Quebecois activities he should partake in before he leaves la Belle Provence. Demers advises the married Landsberg to avoid temptation by staying in his hotel room, then tells him that the famous Moishe's Jewish steakhouse would be happy to see him and his "nose" as soon as he walked in the door. Even though Canadians are the self proclaimed most culturally sensitive nation on the planet, every so often they can let you down. It's like being six years old and seeing a mall Santa taking a swig from a bottle of Jack on a smoke break.

Thanks to Steve Manitt for the tip!