Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 13

Missed out on this season of Project Runway? Well, now's the time to start. The two-part finale starts tonight and we'll be in the comments section of this post having a little party. It's not too late to join us!
This is a commenter-created live blog, so any and all are welcome to join. The action happens down in the comments section below this post, and the show gets starts on Lifetime at 10 p.m. Eastern.
So we've reached the penultimate episode of the season, or as I like to call it: penultimania! I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make that word happen for a couple years now, but I still haven't given up hope. I'm especially looking forward to tonight, because we'll get to see Tim Gunn's "home visits" with each of the remaining contestants, which are always one of the highlights of this show for me. And speaking of highlights, we posted a few commenting highlights from last week's live blog on Gawker earlier today.
What else happened last week? Well, for one thing, we experienced a whole bunch of emotions, ranging from puzzlement, to skepticism, to heartbreak. To wit:
- We were puzzled when everyone kept repeating the word "viscera." Commenter katekate is squared wondered: "Is there a Project Runway Word-a-Day calendar that everyone keeps forgetting to change?"
- We were skeptical when Emilio told us that winning left him feeling "humbled." Like Courtney Love feeling shame, it's doubtful that such a thing is possible.
- We were heartbroken when the judges eliminated commenter favorite (and Gawker live blog veteran) Anthony Williams from the final group instead of Mila. But we've become resigned to the fact that an all-male group of finalists just ain't gonna happen as long as this show is on the Lifetime Lady Channel.
So, as for tonight — it's final collection time! I've seen a few preview clips of this episode, and learned that each of the remaining designers will get $9,000 this season to make a 10-piece collection in four months. And judging from the clips I saw of Tim's home visits, he won't like what any of them made! For example, he'll call one designer's collection "matronly" and tell another: "Between now and Bryant Park, I'd expect most of this to go away." Ouch! You can be like Tim and judge the final collections before the designers get to Bryant Park. Other things to watch for tonight:
- Tim will attempt to jump on a trampoline. He will not make it work.
- When told his collection as "a little Cuckoo," Jay will tell Tim: "It's Cuckoo Chanel!" And just like that, Jay has suddenly become my favorite.
- The judges will decide at the end of tonight's episode whether Jay or Mila gets to be one of the final three competitors. Will it be the Romulan or the Gaysian? Oh the suspense!
OK, I think I've probably hyped things enough for one night. Time to grab a drink and find the remote. See you in the comments section!