Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

Did you catch Gawker's Project Runway commenting party last week? It was hotter than an Icelandic volcano! Check out this smokin' selection of comments from that live blog—and make plans to join us for the next one tonight.
The list below contains just a few of the hundreds of witty comments that appeared under last week's live blog post. Like that one did, tonight's post will go up on Gawker at 9 pm Eastern, and the show will start on Lifetime at 10. See you there!
- bread_and_potatoes: "Here she is boys!" still fills me with happiness. I might just have to start saying it to myself whenever I enter rooms, with or without boys in them.
- katekate is squared: Oh my god, this ringmaster is hurting my hangover, and I haven't even finished acquiring it yet.
- tipsy_hausfrau: And for this next challenge, you will design inside the motorcycle sphere of death. In groups.
- Spirit Fingers: Um, was the circus always this gay? It was wasn't it?
- I'm Waitin' for Dolemite: I am sure that a number of the remaining contestants have experience under the big top.
- Sheryl with an S: "I fell in love with the clowns." So did I, pal. They called it high school.
- erinna: Didn't the Barbara Streisand girl already do this challenge with her clown fish pants? Who knew she was such a visionary... taking on challenges before they are even assigned?
- bread_and_potatoes: I really don't like when Emilio tells people to come hard.
- Brian Moylan: Jay came hard watching the shirtless circus.
- Sheryl with an S: I try to accent everything in life with boning.
- MissPeacock: The higher the collar, the closer to God, Anthony?
- curiousgeorgiana: Tim Gunn — No friend of the top hat.
- philtastic: Is Tim Gunn gonna have to smack a bitch?
- oohgirll: How are these humble army wives able to afford so many face lifts?
- JBing: Michael Kors, that tall drink of Orangina.
- otterbird: The print on Heidi's dress looks like someone drew chalk outlines after a millipede massacre.
- gypsypirate: My cat just hissed at the TV when Mila's look came down the runway.
- Pterodactyl: Emilio: "Humbled." I do not think this word means what you think it means.
- gypsypirate: Aw. Anthony's answer was like him responding to a question during the interview portion of a beauty pageant.
- Sheryl with an S: @gypsypirate: If only he hadn't come out in favor of opposite marriage, they might have kept him.