ABDC crowned its champion last night, but not before dragging out the inevitable announcement for as long as possible with finale filler performances, pyrotechnics, and the requisite lengthy anticipatory silences.

Before lining up to hear their fates, Poreotics and Blueprint Cru came together for a cooperative routine with live percussion accompaniment. The two crews stepped and stomped against pounding beats and bombastic shout-outs to deliver a perfect performance that proved both crews deserved their spots at the top.

When the big moment came, the groups gathered together to wait nervously while Mario Lopez took his sweet time with the reveal. No spoilers: both teams deserved the title and were equally talented, but only one could be the one crew to rule them all. Thankfully (not really, crying on TV is the best), there were no tears after the win, only hugs and high fives in a sporting style severely different from the You Got Served attitude of yore.

Finally, Poreotics performed their victory dance, proudly hoisting their golden b-boy above their proud shoulders as they finished. The robots may have won the votes and reclaimed the title for the West, but those Canadian underdogs will always have our hearts. Je me souviens, Blueprint Cru!