As the wife of a man she refers to as "The King of Twitter," Demi Moore knows a thing or two about social media. You know who doesn't? Jay Leno. Luckily for Jay, she was willing to help educate him.

Moore herself has over 2 million followers and is known as a very active Twitter user (like husband, like wife), but I'm not quite sure she knew what she was getting into when she decided to start answering Jay's line of questioning surrounding just how all those young kids these days use this darn twitter business. The Ashton Kutcher Twitter-King phenomenon just baffles him to no end.

Now, why he's so interested in the banalities that Demi tweets is beyond me. Though its pretty clear that Leno himself will be tweeting any time soon. Not like he could compete with a certain other late night host and his dominance in the twitter-verse, anyway.