Live-Blogging Project Runway, Week 12

Have you ever joined us one of these live blog deals? You should try it! All you have to do is write comments under this post while you watch Project Runway. It's more fun than getting boob-flashed by Heidi Klum!
The show starts on Lifetime at 10 pm Eastern, and the live blog is open to any commenters who care to join. We're down to only three episodes left (including tonight), so we'll want to make the most of every exciting and crotch-crazy moment that remains.
Of course, a live blog couldn't get much more exciting than the one we had last week. Not only was the show itself full surprises (Maya left! Anthony returned!), but Anthony Williams himself joined us in the comments section as a special guest. He was gracious and charming, and seemed touched by how much we all like him – and, not surprisingly, he was full of wit as well. Here's a selection of quotes from Anthony's comments last week:
- When asked what he thought of "Suzanne Sugarbaker," our nickname for him: "I love being a baker of sugar. Brown sugar ..."
- On life at the Atlas: "One of my roommates had smelly feet … quite un-Southern."
- When I noted that Tim Gunn often seemed to disagree with the judges this year: "Tim really disagreed with a lot of their decisions, but he also bashes the Kardashians and their ratings are better than ours!"
- When Kors said that no woman wants her butt to look big: "What's wrong with a nice fat ass?"
- When asked for his thoughts on "the Orange one" (Mr. Kors): "He is more mango."
- After we all cheered his return to the show: "You love me. You really love me."
His many other comments touched on topics ranging from Heidi's nipples to Michael Kors' hypothetical drag-queen name. To see those comments — along with many more from you funny folks out there — just read this selection of highlights that were posted on Gawker earlier today. Oh, and before I forget — Anthony also cleared up the mystery of the not-so-legible inscription on the magazine cover he autographed for Heneage last month. It said: "Stay amazing!"
Speaking of amazing, it's time to turn our attention to the amazing things in store for us on tonight's episode. Having watched a few preview clips, I suggest we watch for the following as live-blog tonight:
- Tim will wear a tie that perfectly matches the color or the sewing-room walls. Unfortunately, that color is Pepto-Bismol pink. (I posted a screen-shot here — check it out.)
- The challenge will be to create a look inspired by the circus. And Jay will make clown pants — because he always makes clown pants! He was born for this challenge!
- After watching a group of circus folks perform, Seth Aaron will say: "There are some funny ass clowns!" Thanks to him, we know there are some unfunny ass clowns too.
- Michael Kors will utter the phrases "crazy crotch" and "big blue condom" – either of which would be a great name for a band, don't you think?
Ok, all you clowns — time to live-blog. See you in the circus ring below for the main event!