Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

What a live blog it was! Contestant Anthony Williams joined us, and was fabulous. Read this selection of last week's comments—posted by Anthony and many others—and then make plans to join our next live blog tonight!
Let me tell you, it was no small feat reading through the 2,000+ comments that everyone left last week to come up with the selection below. But it was also totally worth it, ‘cause y'all were hilarious—as always.
Anthony's comments are the ones labeled "AnthonyRunway." He had more things to say, but I'll save some of those for tonight's live blog post, which will go up on Gawker at 9 pm Eastern. As always, everyone will be welcome to join the commenter live blog under that post when the show starts at 10. See you there!
- summeroflove: I feel like I'm standing in a concert hall waiting for Anthony appear and it's just the lights with dry ice and we're all loudly shouting An-tho-ny! An-tho-ny!
- Sheryl with an S: @summeroflove: Let's all hold up our cell phones and lighters.
- AnthonyRunway: Here she is boys!!! Hello Gawker!
- JackHughman (RIP DudleyHeinsbergen): How does Hedi always manage to only look pregnant from the side? She's a walking optical illusion.
- AnthonyRunway: OMG Maya is leaving .... who will come back?
- manchops: Wow, Maya, what a major Sylvia Plath moment.
- bread_and_potatoes: Jesus. This is lifetime. Can't Maya be pregnant or going after an Amish baby killer or something?
- AnthonyRunway: Moment of silence for Maya ... then toss back a few.
- Old Ocho: Hey, it's Anthony! He's back! Hear that, Anthony?
- tipsy_hausfrau: Well, whaddya know? The South did rise again!
- adiam7: So close to Easter, a resurrection! Were you gone three days?
- crookedE: I can't believe you could keep this secret from us Anthony! It must have been killing you!
- AnthonyRunway: @crookedE: My panties are full of secrets.
- Sheryl with an S: They should have let me market the U.S. Census campaign. I would have promoted it as "Come to your census!"
- GonzoMaz: "Seth, Hot Topic called and said if you did not return to work immediately you are fired."
- Sheryl with an S: "I don't want it to hug. I want it to move." I said the exact same thing to the last guy who asked me out.
- AnthonyRunway: @Sheryl with an S: Yes, I do dresses that translate to date advice.
- manchops: Huge waste, giving the gaysian the boob peek.
- otterbird: I think "bias cut draping" is just one of those things people say so you think they're really smart. I think a mechanic once used the same phrase about my carburetor.
- Old Ocho: Uhh, I passed out for five minutes after nearly seeing Heidi's breasts. Did I miss anything?
- AnthonyRunway: @Old Ocho: Just her nipples.
- Sheryl with an S: Tim Gunn is growing weary. "Throw a zipper in that mess and pick out some fucking shoes and let's go, okay?"
- tipsy_hausfrau: Just once I want to see Mila move away from racing stripes and into...I dunno, flames? An airbrushed wizard?
- philtastic: I have solved the riddle of Jonathan's hair. ‘Tis a rare wild hybrid of the faux hawk and the long thought extinct "Gumby," which has not been seen outside of captivity since 1994. Be very quiet, it's a skittish beast.
- crookedE: Why does Emilio's dress have a cupholder?
- Slim Pickin's: You know Heidi loves sparkle like a crow loves tinfoil.
- belltolls: Jay, that looks like those paper things you put on turkey legs.
- AnthonyRunway: I wonder what would M. Kors' drag name be?
- eleusiswalks: @AnthonyRunway: Tangerine Dream
- GonzoMaz: @AnthonyRunway: Orange Crush
- LordHop: @AnthonyRunway: Tequila Sunrise
- dippitydoo: @AnthonyRunway: Mango Fandango
- katekate is squared: @AnthonyRunway: Valencia Mandarin
- Old Ocho: And Jonathan is forced to return to his normal life: tricking stoner nerds into thinking he's Kevin Smith.
- AnthonyRunway: I sure wore that blue cardigan a lot
- mesofunny: @AnthonyRunway: You mean, you sure rocked that blue cardigan a lot.
- Old Ocho: The star of tonight's episode was clearly Anthony, closely followed by numbers two and three, Heidi's breasts.
- AnthonyRunway: Thanks to my Gawker family for all the love.