Yesterday we learned that one of Donald Trump's "rich girl" employees had stiffed a poor quaalude dealer out of thousands of dollars. Today we learn that quaaludes are not just for the rich; teachers are all luded up, as well.

The dealer caught on the wiretap yesterday was but one player in a multimillion-dollar nationwide quaalude ring busted by the DEA. Besides the stereotypical strip club owner, chemist, and various lowlifes, the players included several of New York's finest educators:

Ken Kutin, [a drug prevention counselor] at IS 266 in Glen Oaks, was among 22 people busted as officials took down the coast-to-coast operation that specialized in the retro narcotic quaaludes, authorities said...
Also busted were Theresa Goldring, a teacher's aide at PS 186 in Little Neck, Queens, and her husband, retired teacher Barry Goldring.

Is this a classic "warning sign" that the person your child refers to as "the cool teacher" is in fact sharing quaaludes with your child and engaging in blissed out taboo school sex, with your child? Only you, your child's parent, knows for sure.

In any case, quaaludes are back! Ask your kid's teacher for some.
[NYP. Pic via]