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Gutfreund is the former Wall Street titan who served as CEO of Salomon Brothers in the 1980s.

Raised in Scarsdale, Gutfreund spent his entire career at Salomon Brothers. Rising through Salamon's municipal securities business, Gutfreund was named a partner in 1963 and succeeded Salomon himself as senior partner in 1978. Three years later, Gutfreund sold the partnership to commodities firm Philipp Brothers and took control of the combined company, turning it into one of the most formidable banking interests on Wall Street during the 1980s.

Crowned as the "King of Wall Street" on the cover of Fortune in 1985, Gutfreund experienced major drama the summer of 1991, when the firm got caught up in a bond trading scandal. As part of a settlement, Gutfreund was fined $100,000 and banned for life from running a brokerage firm. Since then Gutfreund has tended to his own investments, worked as a senior advisor, and served on various boards.