Kevin Rose has a new high-pressure job now that he's taken over as Digg's CEO. Staunching Digg's user bleed to Twitter a big challenge. Even bigger: Doing this while maintaining his relationship with sugar-phobic food blogger Darya Pino.

The 33 year-old Digg founder is a notorious tech playboy. (One friend says he's "basically plowed through everybody"—including Julia Allison and TV personality Shira Lazar) But it appears he's settled down with Darya Pino, a slender brunette who runs the food blog Summertomato. ("UPGRADE YOUR HEALTHSTYLE") Commenter Gossiplover alerted us to the relationship, and we were able to correlate a March 7th tweet from Rose, bragging that "my girlfriend just made me truffle covered dugeness crab," with a blog post on Summertomato about Pino's purchase at a local farmer's market of "White truffle" and "dungeness crab meat." (Yes, we have our Internet Detective license with special authenticity hologram.)

Sounds delicious! But now that Rose must single-handedly figure out how to use Digg's $40 million in venture capitalto pull Digg out of its user free-fall, we are worried about this relationship.

How will Rose find the time to save Digg and:

Chillax backstage with his girlfriend at South-by-South-west while wearing a dorky cowboy hat?

Plug his girlfriend's website on his very boring videoblog? (See: 26:05)

Digg his girlfriend's articles exposing the "shocking sugar content of common food products"? ("Just for fun I looked up the sugar content of a few common foods and menu items. I hope you're as horrified as I am.") Or Huffington Post blog posts?

Pose in arty pictures with her?

Who knows. Maybe he will resort to plying her up with fancy booze.

Or maybe he'll get thousands of strangers on the Internet to click a button which tells her what a great boyfriend he is. Good luck with that! (pics via DirtSalad AKA Glenn McElhose)