The published rate for a full page color ad in the New York Times magazine is $107,075. Why, then, would one use such expensive ad space to re-run a bizarre and uninteresting press release? Don't know, but somebody did!

This press release from "Classic Marketing Company"—exactly the type of press release that runs hundreds of times per day on obscure newswires, to the interest of absolutely no one—appeared verbatim as a full-page ad in yesterday's NYT magazine. Right up front, after the letters to the editor! (Pictured!)

Classic Marketing Appoints Exclusive Distributor
[Bunch of bullshit]
Joe Ballin, President and CEO of Classic Marketing Company and the Chaplin family of Southern Wine & Spirits have a very strong and lasting relationship.

JOE BALLIN has decided that instead of just running an ad for the product in question (some strawbery likker), it would be better to run a full-page press release with an obscure title focusing on the obscure marketing and distribution agreement between two obscure companies, totally obscuring the existence of the product in question. The things people do!

Update: Commenter kissmyapp points out this 2009 press release from the same company that says in part, "Fragoli, wild strawberry liqueur has been featuring digital and four page, full color ads since 2007 to present in New York Magazine, New York Times, and New York Times Magazine." What it doesn't say is why. It also doesn't say, "I was copy-edited."

[We've emailed JOE BALLIN and we'll update if we hear back.]

Update: JOE BALLIN has finally sent us the company's latest press release. We reprint a sample below because, hey, they earned it.

New York, NY – April 14, 2010 – As many liquor marketers are scaling back budgets, red hot Fragoli from Classic Marketing Co. is on a fast track to achieve more impressions and make an even larger impact this year with its highly visual print advertising campaign. The company has announced a partnership with Food & Wine Magazine encompassing a massive print schedule, as well as events, promotions and additional customized programming that the publication will create especially for Fragoli. "The overwhelming popularity of Fragoli has far exceeded our expectations, particularly since we are competing with brands that outspend us ten times over," Ballin states.