"Baby-killer" shouter and actual giant baby Congressman Randy Neugebauer hired a sexy consulting firm to help sex up his sexy reelection bid.

According to Roll Call's "Heard on the Hill," the Texas Republican's campaign paid $2,146 to Talent Revolution Inc., a consulting firm that, according to its website, "uses 'sexy thinking' to engage people 'where they hook-up.'"

Founder and CEO Amanda Hite is "bringing sexy back to corporate thinking" and she even "earned her Masters in Street Smart Psychology."

But sex god Neugebauer is not paying them for the sex appeal. He is paying them to teach him to use the Facebook and so on, to reach the kids. (As a freakishly huge baby, Neugebauer should not need help appealing to young people, but he might have a problem using his "big boy words.")

A Neugebauer campaign worker attended a social media workshop that the firm recently held in Texas, Hite writes, learning the basics about using social media Web sites such as Facebook, Twitter and others to engage a target audience.

So the good news is that soon you will be able to follow the giant baby on Twitter, as he learns to explore his world.

"I just lifted my huge head up and recognized the color blue! You're a baby-killing monster!" 15 minutes ago from web.