Unfortunately, the person who found it was a fan, and the British tabloid he sold it to gave it back to Warner Brothers (why?!) so we'll never know how the movie ends. Unless we read the book or something.

Warner Brothers must have bartered some seriously juicy gossip with British tabloid The Sun to get the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 script back without any leaks, because all The Sun did was pose the script in the hands of their handsomest ginger reporter and take a couple pictures. We've already seen Daniel Radcliffe's penis, so it's hard to imagine anything Warner Brothers has that's worth the trade. Anyway, a "huge group" Harry Potter crew were at pub in Herts "laughing and joking, chucking back beers," and when they left, the group was one script lighter. Said the good samaritan/spoilsport who found the treasured tome:

I couldn't believe my eyes. I know guys that work on the film drink in the pub, but it's very embarrassing that someone could just leave it there.

I'm glad I've helped to stop any surprises being leaked.

The Sun says this is the third time Harry Potter nearly blew his load early.

In May 2003, copies of The Order Of The Phoenix book were found in a Suffolk field six weeks before the publication date. Then four years ago the script for that film was found at an alleged "dogging" site beside the A25 in Chipstead, Kent.

And there was the time Anna Wintour made her assistant get an advanced copy for her daughter to read on vacation. Unless that was The Devil Wears Prada, which I frequently mix up with reality, on account of Anne Hathaway's life so closely resembling that of a menial editorial assistant. [Sun, image from the Harry Potter film set via INF]