Today at Gawker.TV, stunning timelapse of a sunset over New York's High Line, Justin Beiber's takeover of Funny or Die, Ricky Gervais talks about Karl Pilkington, the best office pranks for April Fool's, and Stephen Colbert hated ABC's V logo, too.

Stephen Colbert Hated ABC's V Countdown as Much as You Did
Tonight, Stephen Colbert wagged his finger at ABC for its annoying countdown clock during last night's episode of LOST. But it's not all bad—he was riveted by the suspense.

Timelapse: Sunset over the City
Here's some captivating timelapse footage of the sun setting over New York's High Line. Couples stop to take in the scene, adding to the romance of the moment.

An April Fool's Day Ode to Office Pranks
Pulling an epic prank on your coworkers is always the most satisfying way to get you jollies on April Fool's Day. If you're feeling strapped for ideas, we've compiled a few examples to get the diabolical juices flowing.

Ricky Gervais Does His Best to Explain Karl Pilkington's Idiocy
Ricky came on Dave's show to promote The Ricky Gervais Show and immediately the conversation turned to the stupidity of the show's star, Karl. Ricky explains the genius to Karl and what it's like to deal with someone that daft.

Bieber or Die: Welcome to the Biebpocalypse
Funny or Die has become floppy haired and non-threatening after a full scale takeover by teen sensation Justin Bieber. He talks loudly in libraries, swims directly after he eats and boldly tries to convince us that he's a boy.