Rupert Murdoch and Wendi Deng Want Their Children to Be Just Like Jesus, But Richer

When Rupert Murdoch commits his progeny to Christ, he doesn't fool around: Chloe and Grace, his daughters with third wife Wendi Deng, were recently baptized in the river Jordan, at the very spot Jesus is said to have been baptized.
Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman served as the kids' godparents, and Ivanka Trump was in attendance. Fancy, no? We wonder where James, Murdoch's son by his second wife and the chief aspirant to his throne, was anointed. Probably a bathtub somewhere. He'd better hurry up and take over at News Corp., because these Deng girls are clearly comers.
We know next to nothing about the various Christian traditions concerning baptismal ceremonies, but it strikes us as odd that Chloe and Grace, six and eight years old respectively, are undergoing the procedure now. Aren't children generally baptized at birth or at some sort of confirmation ceremony at the onset of adolescence? Or has some sort of religious fervor suddenly swept the Murdoch-Deng household?
If so, it's an ecumenical one, because the glorious proceedings were quickly soiled by a three-day tour of Jordan conducted by Queen Rania, a known follower of Islam, which, as any viewer of Murdoch's Fox News Channel knows, is a devil cult favored by Barack Hussein Obama.