After Eric Cantor is done apologizing for lying about his office being shot at, he should probably do something to address the gun problem in his district—which is apparently so bad that bullets are raining from the sky.

As you undoubtedly recall, in the midst of his statement yesterday on how violent threats and acts of vandalism against Democrats were the fault of Democrats for publicizing them, Cantor claimed that his own office had been shot at, this week.

And it turned out that a nondescript building in Richmond, Virginia, that contains offices that Cantor sometimes uses, had indeed been shot at. Except police say the bullet was fired randomly in the air from a long way off, and it struck Cantor's window in a downward direction.

Obviously, the honorable Representative Cantor will first apologize for misleading Americans about the incident at his campaign office. And then we can only assume that he'll examine the actual causes of this disgraceful affair.

As you might imagine, Virginia has exceptionally lax gun control laws. And apparently, bullets are just falling from the skies in the middle of downtown Richmond, the third-largest city in Richmond and the capital of the Commonwealth.

After the Virginia Tech massacre, and with the more recent revelation that Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan applied for an received a permit to carry a concealed handgun in Virginia, it's clear that Virginia needs to take a close look at its gun laws.

And now that Representative Cantor has seen first-hand the danger of too many guns too freely available in a community, we are positive that he will join New York mayor Mike Bloomberg in leading the charge for gun control legislation.

Because no one should have to live in fear of bullets literally just falling from the sky for no reason, anywhere in this great nation.

Unless it turns out that in the middle of Cantor's attempt to argue that Democrats were cynically hyping genuine threats and attacks for political purposes, he was just cynically hyping an imaginary attack for political purposes.

[Pic: Getty]