The Best Gawker.TV Comments: Your Words, Your Week in Video
Let these studly young gentleman welcome you into this week's comment roundup! We've got Canadian melodrama, more celebrity cameos, and one commenter told us just exactly what he thinks The Kraken is. More comment overload inside!

[Steve Jobs and Eric Schmidt, discussing how sad they were to not be invited to either Gawker.TV meetup.]
DahlELama continued her shameless love for so-bad-they're-good tv shows. We're with you, girl. Especially in regards to a certain Canadian teen melodrama. You can see the rest of Dahlia's list of teen shows you pretend not to watch here .
Speaking of Canadian melodrama... straightbuggin rounded up an amazing quote selection from Degrassi's finest moments. You know. It goes there.
Paige: What would you even know about rape?!
Ashley: I know all about rape...I researched it!
Spinner: I don't get it! You skip out on a date with the coolest girl in school for your mom's pasta sauce?!
Marco: BECAUSE I'M gay.
Seriously, people. If you're not watching Degrassi you are doing yourself a huge disservice.
Botswana Meat posted this clip of a Haitian weather man telling it like it is. He's like a real life Ollie Williams!
Mike Byhoff's post, The 10 Kinds of Television Cameos spawned a bunch of conversations, the end result was that Extras has the best cameos. Ever. Thanks to unclevanya, NullNullNix and Gawker.TV intern Zach Mack, we got three great examples.
Patrick Stewart
Clive Owen
Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter
And you know that "Release the Kraken" meme? Well, thanks to Cheap Shot we finally know what the Kracken is.
That's all for today, kids! And as always, keep on commenting. Because I'm always watching.

Have you been particularly charmed by a comment or commenter? Send your tips my way.