Live-Blogging Project Runway, Week 10

Happy Spring, sewing-show cyber-socializers! Welcome to our latest commenter live blog of Project Runway. It's guaranteed to be better than Amish Grace. Tonight's special guest will be…enjoyment! Next week's special guest will be…Anthony!
That's right, Anthony Williams, this season's fan-favorite designer, will join this very live blog next Thursday — as first announced in last week's recap by Brian Moylan (who deserves major props for arranging the visit). How awesome is that? So think of some good questions to ask Anthony next week as we prepare for tonight's live-blog—which, as always, happens in the comments section below, where all are welcome to join in. The show starts on Lifetime at 10 Eastern.
Before we get started, here's a suggested question for group discussion: Could this be the most evenly matched Final 7 we've ever had? I think so. Consider this: Almost all of the remaining designers have won at least one weekly challenge — and the only one who hasn't, Maya, has made the Top 3 five times so far. So anyone in this group could end up winning. Well, anyone except (spoiler arert) Maya, who wasn't among the nine designers who showed collections (real or decoy) at the final runway show filmed last month. Why wasn't she there? Who knows? It's The Mystery of the Vanishing Maya! Sounds like the name of a History Channel special, doesn't it?
Speaking of history, last week's live blog was a truly historic one because, um, it took place in the past. And it was memorable. To see a few commenting highlights from that one, click here. But before you do, check out this quick list of "things to watch for" on tonight's episode, based on my viewing of a highlight-clip DVD that Lifetime sent me:
- The contestants will have to design their own fabrics for their looks, using computers—which is actually a pretty cool concept for a challenge, even if it was inspired by the product placement potential of the HP/Vivienne Tam connection (Tam has a designer-branded range of HP notebooks). It sure as hell beats that "natural elements" shampoo shit from last week, anyway.
- Michael Kors is back, and in top bitchy-comment form. He will bestow two of his more memorable descriptions — "a dirty tablecloth" and "a disco straightjacket" — upon the look prepared by a single unfortunate designer.
- In the workroom, Anthony will keep other designers in stitches (ha!) with riffs on topics ranging from Beyoncé songs to his Uncle Leroy's porn addiction (really). Jay will say: "I think everyone loves Anthony" — and he's right!
Hey, did I mention that Anthony's joining us next week? I did? Twice? OK then, I guess there's nothing left for me to do now but join all of you in the comments section. Let's get this cyber-social started!