Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

Has your busted basketball bracket got you bummed? Well, cheer up by reading this upset-free round of comments from last week's Project Runway live blog – and then join us here on Gawker for the next one tonight.
The list below contains just a few of the hundreds of great comments that appeared under last week's live blog post, linked here. Like that one did, tonight's post will appear on Gawker at 9 pm Eastern, and the show will start on Lifetime at 10. See you there!
- otterbird: Mila: "I'm not a huge fan of teams. You never know who you're going to get stuck with. Like another person. I hate that."
- Old Ocho: What bra will Jay use as a metaphor for working with Mila?
- crookedE: This might be the first NYC-inspired challenge that won't result in a Chrysler Building dress.
- sweet_communist: "I'm visualizing pigeons. Flocks of pigeons. Half-pecked meatball subs. A flurry of dirty wings. Poop."
- missing_piece: Mila: "I saw two guys playing checkers on the way to the East Village. Let's use that for inspiration."
- sweet_communist: I hope this Amish murder movie ushers in a new era of exploitation film. Because, damn, I'd watch that.
- JournoGirl: @sweet_communist: Two words: Amish vampires. It's going to happen.
- robina: Amy and Jonathan can't see the garment for the pleats.
- michelegilliam01: Anthony is the perfect blend of sass and class.
- ms.attitude: Kors may be gone, but I'm getting my weekly dose of orange from the Metamucil commercial.
- robina: Tim: "Look at this fucking wall. This Bluefly wall. Use it, already. I'm gonna go have a quick drink."
- sweet_communist: I'd love my body, too, Victoria's Secret, if I were 6 feet tall, 105 pounds, and had a perfect C or D cup. Thanks for the self-esteem boost, I really needed it.
- robina: Are they trying to set Emilio up as this season's Santino?
- Lilah: @robina: That's like casting Droopy Dawg to play the Tazmanian Devil.
- unclevanya: What a shock! The promos completely misled us viewers into thinking there was conflict where there was none! I may write my congressman!
- Lizawithazee: Speaking of a hard color to wear, Guest Judge — what is that color you are sportin' on your epidermis? That's crazy.
- spiraloflife: That hat! It's like an alien Scottish tumor.
- Old Ocho: Because when you think Harlem, you think Tartan chef hats.
- ms.attitude: Heidi and the Boobs. Name of my new band.
- bread_and_potatoes: I call foul. That hat does not deserve praise. Kors better get his ass to work next week.
- Lilah: It's hard for me to deal with the idea of the Harlem Strawberry Shortcake hat winning anything.
- I'm Waitin' for Dolemite: Mila will miss you Amy, could you feel the love in that hug?