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Dentist-to-the-stars Larry Rosenthal is as famous for the myriad lawsuits and scandals he's been involved in as for the bright celebrity smiles he's created.


Rosenthal worked as a piano player on a cruise ship before earning a dental degree from NYU, a fact that doesn't surprise those who have interacted with the man once described by a reporter as "a cross between Michael Douglas and Tony Robbins."

One of New York's most prominent "celebrity dentists" since the 1980s, Rosenthal has been responsible for sweetening the smiles of countless boldfaced names over the years. Among those who've had his fingers in their mouths: Tommy Hilfiger, Dennis Basso, Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Kathie Lee Gifford, Sumner Redstone, Bridget Hall, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Bolton, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Joan Rivers. Assuming you like what he's done with them, he—or his youthful partner, Michael Apa—would be more than happy to fix you up, too, assuming you have $25,000 or so to spare. Or you can seek out someone who has trained in his technique: Since 2002, Rosenthal have overseen the Rosenthal Institute for Aesthetic Dentistry at NYU, which now has branches in London, Palm Beach and Indianapolis.


Rosenthal has been involved in a surprising number of nasty scandals over the years. In 1987, his dental license was suspended for six months after he was accused of illegally prescribing drugs. He's also had more than his fair share of unhappy patients to contend with. Several of his disgruntled patients banded together several years ago to launch an anti-Rosenthal website,; in another case, author Ellen Fein blamed Rosenthal for "ruining her life and her marriage" and sued him for $5 million. (The dentist later claimed she'd tried to blackmail him for $100,000.)

He's had trouble with his colleagues, too. A former partner, Dr. Peter Rinaldi, sued Rosenthal for $20 million, alleging he had concealed earnings by accepting payment in the form of furs, sex, and jewelry, and had solicited a former receptionist to perform sex for money. And Rosenthal's done his share of suing. In 2007, he filed a $7 million case against the family of the late Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle, who died when his plane crashed into the dentist's building.


"I'm not God. I'm only a dentist."


Rosenthal and his wife, Sandy, have a son named Eric. In addition to their East Side apartment, the Rosenthals have a home in Southampton which they purchased for $2.9 million in 2002. They purchased a home in Palm Beach in 2006 for $1 million.


Rosenthal's three cars—a Mercedes, BMW and '67 Corvette—feature the vanity plates "ILUVAU," "ILUVAU2," and "ILUVAU3," respectively.