Last night's American Idol contained some of the worst performances in the show's history. And with "mentors" like Miley Cyrus—who just butchered her performance of "When I Look At You"—it's not hard to see why. Video inside.

Here's video of Cyrus' performance, which happened moments ago during tonight's results episode.

What was wrong with this? Let us count the ways:

  • The fake, try-hard "piano playing"
  • The inability to hit any of the high notes on her own song
  • The screeching
  • The breathiness
  • The off-key, off-pitch nature of... the whole thing

And that's just the musical part of it! Also of note was Cyrus' Quasimodo-like posture, the fact that she headbanged to a ballad, and the dress—oh, the dress!—which seemed more appropriate for a white trash wedding (Skanque, party of one) than a performance by a 17-year-old on American Idol.

Basically, the bottom line is this: if Idol producers are sick of hearing people say that the show has jumped the shark, then they may want to 1) make sure to pick finalists that can actually sing, and 2) not bring on mentors whose performances make the horrible efforts of the finalists seem palatable.

[American Idol]