This should come as no surprise to those of you versed in live blogs and whatnot, but it is still a little scary! A new study shows a 35% increase in simultaneous television and computer usage since 2008.

Some 60% of the folks surveyed by Nielsen said that they have been interneting and TV watching at the same time at least once a month. Two screens means double the fun! And double the strain on the eyes, brain, and soul. Right now the average American is spending about 3.5 hours a month doing their Facebooks and their DVRs at the same time, because everything moves fast and is techno-crazy here in the future.

I'm pretttyyyyy guilty of doing this myself. All told I'm probably futzing around on the computer for at least four hours outside of work, a lot of that while watching TV. (Mad if I missed something in a recap? Blame the distracting computer. Or substances.) It's pretty awful, but it's something I just can't stop doing, unless it's a really compelling show like the well-watched Breaking Bad season premiere. I hate myself and am probably going blind from glowing blue entertain-o-light, but whatever. Live-Tweeting TV is fun.

How about you? Are you a hyper plugged-in nerd like the rest of us, or some hippie granola crunchy freak who only gazes at one crystalline LCD plasma entity at a time?
