Ever since Barack Obama took office, there has been a strong and vocal opposition to his presidency. The most popular movement among those loud voices is the Tea Party movement, a gang of roving idiots. Video inside.

In this video produced by New Left Media, interviewer Erick Stoll speaks to members of the tea party movement face-to face. It isn't surprising that most of their responses are nonsensical. The Republican's Tea Party movement is supposed to be based on the Boston Tea party. The problem is, they've got it completely wrong.

The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773, a time when America was just a few colonies ruled by Britain. At this time, all of the colonists in America were paying taxes to Britain. At first the taxing was accepted but as the charges began to increase, opposition began to grow. The conflict came to a head when Boston officials refused to let three British tea ships leave port. Later that night colonists boarded ships and threw the tea overboard.

Unfortunately, Republicans have high-jacked this historical event and claimed it as their own. Tea Partiers claim that our nation's founders would be proud of them. Wrong. The Boston Tea Party was about fighting corporations and the government. The current Tea Party movement is nothing but a bunch of baby-boomers running around with misspelled signs.

The Republican tea party movement is the antithesis of the Boston Tea Party. The Boston tea party was about standing up against Britain and corporations and illegally being taxed. The Republican tea party embraces corporations and casts blame at everyone else. The Republicans in congress have talked their constituents into believing healthcare reform is a bad thing and that it's not fair to insurance companies.

So let me get this straight. Republicans elect a leader that squanders America's money, destroys its constitution, starts illegal wars, and tries to legalize torture. Then, when Bush is voted out of power, Republicans start a movement against the Obama administration because Obama has to fix all the problems they started.

Congressional Republicans have also said that if healthcare does pass, they will just repeal it when a Republican comes in power. Doesn't sound like a group I'd want to party with.

Update: The health care reform bill has passed and the motion to recommit has failed. The bill will become law once it's signed by President Obama. It's a historic day for the United States of America, as now over 30 million uninsured will have coverage.
