We here at Gawker.TV want to give a voice to anyone who's in love with TV, Movies, and online video as much as we are. Details on how to make that happen and an explanation of sydnication inside.

[Photo by Diana Levine.]

So, How does it work?

If you've written a piece that fits the tone of our site and you'd like to see it showcased here, send us an email at tips@gawker.tv. Include your details and a link to your already-published work on your own blog. If we like it, we'll be in touch and will showcase the work you've already done on our site.

What will you get out of it?

- Exposure
- Promotion
- A byline on Gawker.TV

Some Examples...

Shane Bacon approached us when he discovered that an episode of Yes, Dear had foreshadowed the whole Tiger Woods mess years ago. He gave us a heads up on a post he'd written for his own site. We loved it and he gave us permission to syndicate onto Gawker.TV. Because we're a Gawker Media site, his post also showed up on the Deadspin homepage.

Our friends at Kotaku had similarly successful experience with Dan Bruno (which he writes about here.) A piece he had written for Cruise Elroy was syndicated on Kotaku's site, resulting in a spike in pageviews for Dan's personal and work pages.

If you have any questions just ask!