Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

Need a cure for your St. Patrick's Day hangover? Read this sampling of comments from last week's Project Runway live blog—then join us for the next one tonight! After all, laughter is the best medicine.
The selection below contains just a few of the many witty comments that appeared under last week's live blog post, linked here. Like that one did, tonight's post goes up on Gawker at 9 pm Eastern, and the show starts on Lifetime at 10. See you there!
- dippitydoo: Great script reading Superman villain. Garnier is so proud.
- otterbird: You know what's awesome about doing a TV movie about the Amish? You can get as exploitative as you want; it's not like they're ever going to see it.
- Cunning_Linguist: "My water design is inspired by Orchard Beach. And this white fabric represents the dirty diapers floating through the waves there."
- allyzay: Why the hell is Apolo Ohno pretending to be a hairstylist from Garnier, anyway? Is this a tie-in?
- adiam7: "Engulfed in laughter." "Contained chaos." "Adhere the concept of the anatomy." Was the challenge bullshitting?
- AnnieSaBu: @adiam7: I can't say, I'm too busy encapsulating my dynamism.
- Old Ocho: Jay truly is the WonderBra to the tit that is Ben.
- Spirit Fingers: Why, for the love of Hova is Zooey Doosh-a-Garbled-Trash-Throat back on my television slaying wounded donkeys with her voice?
- AnnieSaBu: I want Tim to discuss the day-to-day decisions of my life with me. Like, "I was thinking of having Rice Krispies. But, with the amount of time I had, I was also thinking I could fry up some eggs." And then Tim would be like, "I think you should go for it. Rice Krispies are good, but I'm worried that they'll bore your stomach. Don't bore your stomach." And I'd nod and be all, "Yes, yes, I see what you mean. Ok, I just have to make it work. Ok, thanks Tim," and then I'd have Rice Krispies anyway because I'm lazy.
- missing_piece: Why did the chick in the Yaz commercial just paint her wall tic tac orange?
- crookedE @missing_piece: Color blindness must be one of its many debilitating side effects.
- Old Ocho: Just when you think Ben is definitely gone, here comes Amy with her bosom-full of ferrets.
- sweet_communist: I thought Irish accents were charming until Jonathan's model opened her mouth.
- doctorzizmor: Ben's going to lose this thing by a nose.