Comment of the Day: Kirstie Alley Crushes Michael Moore

Today we took a look at crazy Kirstie Alley and her crazy pills. You people had much to say — about Scientology, weight loss, and bullshit. But one commenter was reminded of a larger, and timelier, political debate.
I think this story nicely summarizes what is wrong with America's view of healthcare.
On the one hand, you can watch Michael Moore discuss the finer (read: boring) details of the healthcare system's at-large problems on a serious show like Tavis Smiley's. End result: Michael is made to look like a fool because he's still working on losing weight. On the other hand, you can watch a washed-up actress cashing in on her name recognition during a show that is, essentially, a four-hour long infomercial for diets, get rich quick schemes and baby products in the hopes that a for-profit cult will turn a buck. End result: she is given credibility because no one will call BS.