The Best Gawker.TV Comments: Your Words, Your Week in Video
The Oscars happened, mascots beat each other up for our amusement, and SNL didn't deliver because they totally underutilized the hilarious Zach Galifianakis. Here's what you guys had to say about it all.

[Katie Fahrenthold, Richard Blakeley, and Anna Edwards at last night's commenter meet-up. Photo by Diana Levine.]
In the post featuring the original Alice in Wonderland from 1903 Cheruth asked an earnest question about the film quality. I don't even know what 2-D is anymore. Quick somebody put on Avatar!
David Rumm started a big 'ol fight over Anthony Bourdain. The interwebz are srs bzns.
bozack shared a great spoof to compliment Frank Cozzarelli's compilation of mascots beating the shit out of eachother, further proving that no matter what the situation, people in costumes fighting is hilarious.
dmphl set the record straight as to what really happened between Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock right after Bullock won Best Actress.
And finally, MrInBetween gave us a really great analogy for Zach Galifianakis' SNL hosting stint:
"Getting Zach on SNL is like getting LeBron James to play for the pitiful NJ Nets, for one night only: The team won't be improved; it'll just be less embarrassing. "
That's all for now! Keep on commenting, because I'm watching you.

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