Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

Ready for a different kind of March Madness? Then read this selection of insane comments from Gawker's last Project Runway live blog—and join us for the next one tonight. We promise there will be no sports talk.
Maybe your next comment will make the "Live Blog Sweet 16"—like the 16 below from last week did. Tonight's live blog post goes up on Gawker at 9 pm Eastern, and the show starts on Lifetime at 10. See you there!
- belltolls: A hardware store? On the level?
- AnnieSaBu: I'm sorry, molding bodices out of metal "has been done"? When? The feudal era?
- Old Ocho: Wait, Luz is Spanish for Light. So why didn't Maya buy light bulbs?
- robina: I swear, it is not an accident that Mila looks like a Romulan. Everything she makes could work as a costume on some alien who seduces Captain Kirk.
- Sheryl with an S: "If you can pull this off, it'll be phenomenal." Reminds me of what I said to the first boy to unhook my bra.
- Spirit Fingers: Oh, Emilio. There really are no words.
- tipsy_hausfrau: @Spirit Fingers: There really are no clothes!
- Old Ocho: Emilio: "Can you do the makeup so that nobody notices she's wearing a weighted metal thong?"
- eleusiswalks: When I said he was making a Barbarella costume earlier in the liveblog I was joking. I didn't think he'd actually do it.
- naugahydeinplainsight: Thank God they didn't do this show out west where they sell barbed wire.
- GaddafisTentPitcher: True story: Amish is in. My mom has about a dozen Amish people books. They're the new vampires.
- Lilah: Whoa, those guest judges should NOT be seen in HD.
- missing_piece: "I wanted to make a strong sexy woman, so I dressed her up like a dirty whore."
- Lizawithazee: I didn't realize Romulans can shoot death rays out of their eyes.
- otterbird: "Mila, you may leave the runway and go back to plotting the murder of your fellow contestants."
- unclevanya: Back to Six Flags with you, Pirate Boy!