Live Blogging American Idol, Season Nine: Top 8 Guys Perform
It's time for your American Idol live blog! Tonight (9:00 PM ET on FOX), the Top 8 guys will perform live for your votes. More inside, along with your open thread and the best comments from the last two episodes.

First up, your comments! As promised (because I didn't have time to make a list last night), I've compiled some of my favorites from the last two live blogs. Anyway, [Click here] to see if your comment made it. If it didn't, don't be upset—you'll have plenty more opportunities this season to have your comments featured.
As mentioned above, tonight's show features the Top 8 guys performing live for our votes. And after last night's mostly disastrous effort from the girls, it can't really get any worse, right?
Tonight's show starts an hour later than normal—it will begin at 9:00 PM ET—and airs live on FOX. While you wait for the action to begin, feel free to chat in the comments below. If you're new to Idol—or want a refresher on everything—here are some helpful links:
- To learn more about this year's finalists, click here.
- For Richard Lawson's recap of last night's Top 8 girls performance episode, click here.
- To see the video of Ryan Seacrest finally growing a pair and standing up to Simon Cowell on last Wednesday's show, click here.
- And for everything else Idol on Gawker.TV, click here.
If you haven't participated in one of our live blogs before, don't fret-it's easy! All you need to do is tune your TV to FOX, watch the show, and discuss all the action with everyone else in the comments. It's really as simple as that. If you don't have a commenter account, just sign up for one (it literally takes seconds) and we'll get you approved and in on the action right away.
I'll see you in the comments!