Moments ago in Berlin—and on live television—armed robbers raided the Hyatt hotel that was hosting a European Poker Tournament event and left with a reported €1 million. Inside, video of the panic that ensued as the robbery happened.

Details are sketchy at this point, but here's the AP's version of events:

A heavily armed group stormed a poker tournament in a German luxury hotel Saturday afternoon and made off with a jackpot, a police spokesman said.

Several participants at the tournament in Berlin's Grand Hyatt hotel were slightly injured when they panicked and fled following the daring afternoon heist, Carsten Mueller said.

Mueller said four robbers in disguises forced employees to hand over money, and then managed to escape. Mueller declined to give details, including how much money the men got away with.

The jackpot for the tournament stood at euro1 million ($1.36 million), according to a European Poker Tour Web site. The EPT confirmed the heist on the event's blog in an official statement, saying there had been "an armed robbery executed by six men." It was unclear why the number differed from the police count.

The B.Z. daily quoted witnesses as saying that the robbers were armed with automatic weapons, machetes and hand grenades.

Mueller declined to comment on the weapons, citing the ongoing investigation.

We'd like to see them try this in Vegas...

Update: Photos from the robbery—including some of the robbers—can be seen [HERE]. (Thanks to commenter blackdevil for the link.)

Update: Again courtesy commenter blackdevil, here's video footage of the actual robbery.

[AP] [YouTube]