Ryan Seacrest Finally Grows a Pair, Stands Up to Simon Cowell on American Idol
It's no secret that Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell bicker like a married couple on nearly every episode of American Idol, but it's never earnest. Tonight—after Cowell harshly judged excessively smiley finalist Haeley Vaughn—that all changed. Video inside.
After Vaughn butchered Miley Cyrus' "The Climb," Cowell stated that he didn't want to "make this any worse than it already is" before continuing with, "there's a certain irony for you, singing a song about climbing when you actually fell off."
Afterward, Seacrest was NOT HAVING IT and interjected with, "How is that not making it any worse? By saying that? What good does that do?" And then... awkward silence!
While maybe not an earth-shattering blow-up, the moment was a rare look into another aspect of the continually odd relationship between Seacrest and Cowell—unscripted, unplanned, good old-fashioned cattiness. And, honestly, it was the first time we can remember that Seacrest legitimately stood up to Cowell.
After Seacrest plugged the call-in number to vote for Vaughn, the show went to commercial—but not before he shot Cowell the following look:
