Want a Free Trip to Switzerland?

Just find every empty Red Bull can you can, create a piece of art (can you sculpt a giant head bearing an uncanny resemblance to Candace Bushnell or Jose Canseco—see where we're going here?) out of cans. Click here if think you can.
In other words, enter the Red Bull Art of Can contest. Submissions must be postmarked or dropped off (in Dallas, TX) no later than May 10. All three winners will receive commemorative trophies as well as: 1st Place wins an all-expense-paid trip for 2 to Switzerland to attend Art Basel; 2nd Place wins an all-expense-paid trip for 2 to Miami to attend Art Basel; and 3rd Place a Dallas-based art experience.
Open to anyone and everyone—you don't have to be an established artist. So why not enter? You can do it! We know you can.