HBO's new offering is even more hilarious than it was when it was a mere audio program. If you still have not met Ricky's object of constant ridicule, the indescribable Karl Pilkington, you need to stop doing yourself a disservice.

On Friday's Ricky Gervais Show we heard Ricky and Stephen try to decipher the meaning behind Pilkington's meaningless yammering, but only just enough to chide him into the sort of moronic tirade he's become known for:

And because the audio track was recorded almost ten years ago, it is not hard to prove that DJs did in fact heed the Gervais' call, laying down some amazing electronic tracks, like the following:

Hopefully all the podcast fans out there have been showing up in full to finally watch the show they've listened to so many times. As far as I'm concerned this might be my new favorite show... again.