Weird: When's the last time The Daily Show was less cynical than the cable news channels it mocks? Tonight, The Daily Show came out in favor of the health care summit most news networks (and us!) wrote off as theater.

Said Jon Stewart:

Obviously there was grandstanding and some posturing. But there were some really substantive points made here. And there were issues where there was great agreement on health care on both Democratic and Republican sides—and room for negotiation. This really did have some important steps for understanding this complex and essential issue.

Our power just went out for a second because of the snow—were we transported to some alternate dimension where The Daily Show has faith in the political process? We've entered a bizarro world where The Daily Show is asking the media to give the political clusterfuck of the health care summit a chance. In a few years we'll be reading worrying studies about how the majority of college sophomores get their news from The Situation Room, and all the Daily Show-watching olds will shake their heads at the kids and their Wolf Blitzer, who thinks politics is just an absurd spectacle and not some noble discussion played out on the public stage.