Going home the first week is always hard, but it looks like two of tonight's American Idol eliminees just didn't get the "You have to be gracious" memo. At least Allison Iraheta was having a good time! (Post contains spoilers.)

First up in the "What do you mean I F*****g didn't make it through?" reel is poor Ashley Rogriguez, who—by the sound of it—couldn't muster up the class to thank the people who may have voted for her.

Then there's Tyler "I look like Mika" Grady, who decided to use the tried and true method of blaming the judges when asked if he thought he should have been eliminated. Simon, of course, was completely amused by this.

Luckily for us, though, the night wasn't a total downer. Allison Iraheta-she who channels Janis Joplin and Cheech Marin's love child-sang... something. Then, she took it to Ryan Seacrest and followed in the footsteps of one Danny Devito in a post-performance interview which begs the eternal Idol question: what exactly do they put in those Coke cups in the green room?

Our guess? "Courage."

[American Idol]