This weekend, Gawker Artists and 19 other cutting-edge exhibitors will be representing at the 4th Annual Fountain Art Fair. Public opening reception on Friday night at the Frying Pan in NYC features ADULT and Depreciation Guild. Deets below!

Public access to the exhibition begins Friday March 5th at 11am. The evening event (with performances by ADULT and Depreciation Guild) starts at 7pm. On Saturday, March 6th, from 7pm-Midnight, Fountain hosts the new media icon ARTLOG LIVE—an evening dedicated to the rants and raves of the online tastemakers who keep us in the know with mobile updates. Live comments from the Armory Week events will be posted and projected live at Fountain via To participate via Text or Twitter add #fountainny to your posts. The celebrity guest DJ for the evening will be the legendary Marky Ramone of The Ramones.

Public weekend passes (for Friday, March 5th through Sunday, March 7th) will cost you a mere $ can cough that up. See you there!