Senate Sitting on 290 Bills Passed by House

Every year, the US House of Representatives put together a list of bills they passed that the Senate has not yet voted on. This year's tally: 290!
Some of it is some bullshit, like "Naming R. Jess Brown U.S. Courthouse in Jackson, Mississippi." Other bills are not bullshit at all, though. Like financial regulation and carbon emissions regulation, both of which we would have in some form if it weren't for a couple assholes who represent a fraction of the nation's population.
The list of stalled bills includes both major and minor legislation: healthcare reform; climate change; food safety; financial aid for the U.S. Postal Service; a job security act for wounded veterans; a Civil War battlefield preservation act; vision care for children; the naming of a federal courthouse in Iowa after former Rep. Jim Leach (R-Iowa); a National Historic Park named for President Jimmy Carter; a bill to improve absentee ballot voting; a bill to improve cybersecurity; and the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
There is a full list here, in case you want to admire America's Democracy as our beloved Founders Envisioned It. (There are also like 40 Obama nominees to various things that are still on hold but no one cares anymore, ever since the Senate deigned to vote on 27 of them a couple weeks ago.)
Also please keep in mind that everything is still Barack Obama and Rahm Emaneul's fault, and when the Democrats lose 200 seats in November it will be because the President forgot to Move To The Center and Reach Out To The Other Side.