Tonight, Larry King talked to a bald guy who apparently is the leader of a religion? The Dalai Lama? Anyway, King managed to get him to shut up about world peace for long enough to talk about Tiger Woods.

Mr. Lama had this to say to Tiger Woods regarding self-discipline:

Spiritual, moral ethics are self-discipline. Actually, just like taking care of your own body. According to doctors suggestions. They say certain food you should use. Certain food you should stop. Like that.

Whatever. Do you think Tiger will ever be able to win Elin back? Is he really sorry or just pretending? Oh, yeah. That's right: This guy had the nerve to tell AP that he had never heard of Tiger Woods. Meanwhile, Brit Hume is doing everything short of giving Tiger one of those comic books that show what Hell is like to convince him to join Team Jesus.

It's like, you put on a robe, shave your head and win a Nobel Peace Prize and you start thinking you can just fly around the world pretending to be oblivious to the world's most famous Buddhist.