The New York Times story on David Paterson does not contain any scandal — it's hard to see how the rumors even started. Meanwhile there are nine new ways in which politics in DC is broken, and reports from Pakistan.

The capture of a Taliban leader earlier this week provides fodder for analysis of the relationship between the US and Pakistan. Plus it involves secrets and raids, and that's always fun. Which makes us wonder why the Dubai hit squad — at least as interesting and complex an affair — hasn't hit the front pages yet. There's always tomorrow.

Stories that are also interesting:

Disclosure: I freelance write and report for newspapers that are included in this roundup. Where there is a direct conflict of interest I will make it clear.

The New York Times: has a new way of pointing out that American politics is broken and the parties can't agree on anything. There's a report on a new jobs scheme in Mississippi, the Paterson story that was supposed to be full of salacious takedown-ery, but isn't, and a dispatch from Pakistan on what their security services' recent co-operation against the Taliban means. The paper look at the controversy over an embryonic new series about the Kennedys, and how shipping companies are saving fuel.

The Washington Post: say that Obama will help fund nuclear reactors, and analyze Evan Bayh's decision not to seek re-election. The paper also reports on the re-emergence of sectarian violence in Iraq, the re-emergence of Marion Barry's nefarious activities, and a religious young woman's dilemma over a lung transplant.

The LA Times: continues to look at Toyota's woes, examines the plight of amputees in Haiti and has a report on the intelligence behind the capture of a senior Taliban leader. California may stop aid to legal immigrants, and the feature reignites the old debate over whether athletes have reached the pinnacle of what's possible with the human body.

The Wall Street Journal:report on mall takeovers, have the sad news that three major corporations have withdrawn their backing for a climate change bill and look at the design of the luge track on which a competitor died in Vancouver. The feature is about the dearth of available band names these days.

The New York Post: report on more trouble at the Aqueduct Raceway.

The Daily News: have the same story.