Here at G.E.A., we take out "Not afraid to be servicey" mantra very, very seriously (or "srsly"). And today, we have a totally serious job opening for you: Be Barack Obama's Presidential Twitter-er.

Okay, so, if you thought Obama was manning his Twitter, I'm sorry to rip open a hole in the delicate fabric that is the universe you occupy, but, shocker: he doesn't. That job would belong to one Mia Cambronero, who sent out an email recently to a listserv regarding her recent job opening that we ended up with. The full text:


Wanted to firstly let everyone know that at the end of the month, I will be stepping down from my infamous role as "Barack Obama's twitterer", otherwise known as Social Networks Manager for the Democratic National Committee and Organizing For America. While I have very much enjoyed my time here, I've never really wanted to stay in domestic politics in the long term, and I'm really excited to get started on the international work that I've long wanted to do. (Won't bore everyone with the details, but feel free to shoot me an email if you're interested — would love to catch up with y'all anyway!)

Secondly, wanted to ask for your help in finding someone awesome to fill my position. (We're looking for someone who is available to start immediately. )

Here's the link to the application. Feel free to forward it far and wide.

And if any of you are interested in applying, please let me know!! Would be happy to give you a little more insight into what the job is all about.

Much love,

Well, now we know a few things:

1. Ms. Cambronero has a very warm, charming email style! Which is probably necessary if you want to control the presidential Twitter.

2. The job of presidential Twitter is being left for "international work," which is apparently something you can go on to after doing lots of exciting this:

3. Which is probably one of the reasons why she's leaving. But if you can spew straight-message dribble that's essentially direct-feed grade stuff with the occasional uncolored aside about basketball or whatnot, you're pretty qualified for the job. Just don't be a psychopath or illiterate or someone prone to the occasional Tweakout and you should be good to go. Essentially, don't #suckatlife. Of course, there are those who might not make the grade despite seemingly obvious qualifications:

So make sure you're not too overqualified or something, either. And now you know! Gawker Employment Agency: Not afraid to @whatever.