Bike Messengers Turn to Vigilantism In Theft-Ridden Lost Angeles

The fiery, war-torn streets of the American urban hellscape that is LA have given birth to some serious vigilantes. Bike theft is running rampant in California's dystopic bowels, so two couriers recently took the law into their own hands.
Some bike messengers last month took justice into their own hands when they caught two suspected thieves, teenage boys who attended a local Catholic high school. According to police, the messengers stripped down the teens to their boxer shorts before taking their cellphones, backpacks and clothes.
A clearly approving LAPD officer had to act all professional and scold the heroes:
They meted out street justice. We don't condone street justice. They never threatened them. But they made it clear: don't mess with another person's property
But you know he respects those badass bike messengers. You don't mess with another man's velocipede! If you do, you get stripped to your skivvies and robbed. That's how it goes in Hell-A.