Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 5

Believe it or not, this season's final runway show is tomorrow, although those of us not named "Brian Moylan" won't see it for another 10 weeks. Luckily, no press pass is needed to join tonight's live blog!
I mention tomorrow's show (an event that's part of New York Fashion Week) because the timing raises a puzzle worth discussing here: How will they avoid spoiling the finalists' identities when only four eliminations have been broadcast so far? Even if they pull a double elimination tonight, that will still leave 10 designers who could be finalists, while only three or four genuine finalists will show their collections tomorrow. So will six-to-eight nonwinning designers show "decoy" collections tomorrow? Or, like last season, will they present only three or four "real" collections without telling the audience who created them? Inquiring minds want to know!
I suggest we discuss this in the lead-up to tonight's live blog—which, as always, is open to everyone and will take place in the comments section below this post when the show starts (at 10 Eastern on Lifetime). Lord knows we're a talkative enough bunch—last week we posted over 1,300 comments. For a selection of a few of the funniest of those, click here. Here are a few other highlights from last week:
- We were appalled by the crimson tide of fug resulting from the Campbell's-themed "red dress challenge." Although Amy created something mmm-mmm good, most of the rest of the designers opened up a big red can of suck.
- Commenter missing_piece accurately observed that Ben looks like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle. So I propose we call him "Designer Dewey" from now on.
- When Seth Aaron made a point of saying that designing for his plus-size heart-trouble lady was the "largest challenge" he'd ever faced, it became official: We all hate him.
- Gawker's new perpetually-collapsing-comment-thread feature frustrated everyone. Hooray for innovation!
Also, hooray for preview clips! Watching them allowed me to come up with the following things to watch for as we life-blog tonight:
- The final challenge will be to design a look that will appear on the cover of Marie Claire. I wonder how they got the magazine's fashion director to agree to that?
- We'll learn that the winning cover-shot look must designed to be worn by Heidi Klum herself—which is novel but not actually that difficult, since Heidi looks great in anything. Now, if they had to design a look for Michael Kors, that would be a challenge! For one thing, they'd have to use only colors that don't clash with orange.
- We'll see cutaway-shots of designers craning their heads in Tim's direction when he says something good or bad about another designer's work. I know this because it happens every week. So let's drink when it happens tonight, because I just decided that's a new drinking-game rule.
Speaking of drinks … I gotta go grab one, and find the remote while I'm at it. See you down in the comments!