It's finally Hollywood week! No more dancing midget ninja mimes that warble out notes in a desperate grab for fame. Now it's actually a talent competition instead of a circus sideshow. And some stood out more than others. And Ellen!

What Idol is looking for is a juxtaposition. Latinos with neck tattoos singing Paula Abdul, 250 pound personal trainers singing John Mayer, and black girls singing country. If you look one way, but sing another, you're probably going to go far in this competition.

And speaking of going far, it's hard to believe that Andrew Garcia will finish lower than the top 3. He has the requisite sob story, he reinterprets songs to make them his own, and his voice is on point, and he just looks so comfortable on stage. And he sang Paula Abdul last night, and it was good.

But just because it's Hollywood week, doesn't mean that some ridiculous singers didn't slip through the judge's cracks during the audition phase. Jay Stone is a beatboxing maniac who also happens to be a terrible singer...and a terrible beatboxer.

And of course, there was Ellen. She didn't lay her schtick on thick, she was quick-witted, smart, and likable. And on top of that, it really seems like she's going to be the glue that brings all the judges together as it seems that Simon and Ellen have an unspoken mutual respect for each other. We've only gotten a taste of Ms. Degeneres, but it looks like she will shape-up to be a great judge. And she won't even need to guzzle painkillers to do so!

Other favorites looking to round-out the usual could be Haeley Vaughn, who looks to be the African-American version of Carrie Underwood, so she'll definitely go far. And since Idol always has the rocker chick with a heart of gold, Mary Powers will go far. She has a kid, a short, disheveled haircut, and won't take any crap from anyone, yet she'll cry constantly. Just you watch. She won't win though, because the rocker chicks never do, but she'll probably be in the top 10. Lily Scott, the twee folk singer that sounds like Jewel inhaled some helium will also be around for awhile because she's young, cute, is a former sandwich artist, and Lily is an adorable, accessible name, memorable name. And finally Michael Lynche, the GIGANTIC personal trainer from Astoria, who will make you swoon with a gentle love ballad, and then scream at you to do another set of squat-thrusts.

The season is shaping up to be pretty interesting, actually. You can't just be a good singer with a story. you have to be a good singer, with a story, who sings in a way they shouldn't. So this should be fun.