Movieline has the great scoop that round two for the greatest sociological experiment of our time will take place in South Beach, Miami. MTV has already rented a house and is installing the duck phone right now!

Miami was a top contender for the new location and TMZ even got their paws on a letter from the production company making the snow and the famous Mynt lounge in Miami asking if they would be able to film there in upcoming months. Now Movieline confirms they will be filming there and living in a house off of Lincoln Road that is already being decked out with Italian flags and hopefully a gym, tanning bed, and washing machine so they can get their GTL on without going anywhere. The cast was in town for the Super Bowl over the weekend and took a tour of the town by boat yesterday. When Snooki tweeted she was moving to Miami we thought it was an empty threat mean to terrorize the poor citizens of the Southern town. Little did we know that she was serious and they would start filming in May.