Do not try and throw mud at the New York Post. You will get dirty. There's still an ominous silence from the broadsheets on the rumored scandal involving Governor Paterson, but the New York tabloids roll up their sleeves.

And the Post either wins the day, if you like gossip, or loses the day, if you like more dignified digging into the politics of the matter, which is what the Daily News do. Elsewhere there's more Toyota, more healthcare and more snow. Except for these interesting tales:

Disclosure: I freelance write and report for newspapers that are included in this roundup. Where there is a direct conflict of interest I will make it clear.

The New York Times: has a piece from Kiev on the Ukrainian election, and a look at the impact of kidnapping cases on the process of airlifting injured children from Haiti. The media revelation that John McCain isn't some kind of Maverick, but is instead a politician, continues with a look at his move to the right to counter a Tea Party talk-show primary competitor. McCain's party, meanwhile, has a plan for healthcare to air at the televised summit later this month. Meanwhile the UN climate panel is under siege by deniers and doubters and New York's old real estate families, cautious in the boom, are doing well now - and might buy Stuy Town. There's also an obit for Congressman John Murtha.

The Washington Post: has two weather stories, here and here, again, and the news that an insurer alerted federal regulators to Toyota's acceleration problem back in 2007. There's an obit for Congressman John Murtha and a look at how the Fed intends to scale back its stimulus.

The LA Times: analyzes the healthcare debate, and reports on a former gang leader's testimony in court. They have a piece from Afghanistan on reducing civilian deaths and a nice look at one of the few industries that still thrives in Haiti. The spectacularly named PJ Huffstutter writes about scandal in the tomato industry. Because what else would he write about, with a name like that?

The Wall Street Journal: have the news that the Dow tumbled and that Fannie and Freddie are still struggling. As if to underline the systemic flaws where politics and finance intersect, they also have an investigation into some alleged impropriety in New Jersey, where a senator asked that a bank be saved without disclosing campaign contributions from the chairman and vice-chairman. The fluffy feature today is about roadside art in Kansas.

The New York Post: have quite an implication in their headline. And even more innuendo in the story — which is, paradoxically, about Governor Paterson rebutting implications and innuendos.

The Daily News: is either more scrupulous, or less good at digging up dirt on Paterson than the Post.

Times-Union (Albany): no mention at all, from the local Albany paper, of Paterson's woes.

AM New York: but AM NY weigh in with a comedy cover.