Howard Stern addressed rumors today about Fox's interest in Stern hosting American Idol. He discussed why he would be the only logical pick in order for the show to remain successful after Simon Cowell leaves. Audio inside.

Stern's five-year$500 Million contract is up at the end of 2010, giving Stern the perfect opportunity to take over the Idol gig. And after announcing on his show that he is interested, Stern jokily dives into how he would change the style of judging on Idol. First up: No more William Hung types. They will get a boot to the ass before they even finish their audition.

And now he says that Idol will go away if he doesn't go on the show. And because of his power on the show, he can treat (or mis-treat) the other judges any way he pleases. Like slapping Randy Jackson with a ping-pong paddle whenever he opens his mouth. That might be a welcome change.

Lastly, and most importantly, he discussed the future of Ryan Seacrest. Mainly that if Stern joins as a judge, Seacrest is gone and will be replaced by a hot girl. And it's hard to see anyone arguing with that logic.

Of course, whenever Howard Stern opens his mouth, everything must be taken with the largest grain of salt imaginable. Some have said that Stern needs this Idol gig, as the ratings for his Sirius show are in the toilet. But Stern is positioning himself that Idol needs him because no one comes even close to Simon Cowell when it comes to speaking with candor, honesty (and broadcast experience) as him. It will be interesting to see where this sure to be long, drawn out story goes from here.

[Howard Stern]