Today at Gawker.TV, CBS's premiere of Undercover Boss, Jason Alexander's weight-loss ad, the trailer for Stephin Merritt's documentary, a makeup artist swears on Rachael Ray, and all of the violence from the Super Bowl commercials in one video.

Undercover Boss Is a Combination of Dirty Jobs and Trading Spaces, Only Faker
After the Super Bowl was over, CBS premiered Undercover Boss, a role-reversal "reality" show where a big-wig performs entry-level tasks. Larry O'Donell, COO of a Waste Management Company, performed some nasty jobs, and many (faux) lessons were learned.

Makeup Artist Curses on Air, Nobody Notices
Today on Rachael Ray we see how much producers are paying attention... or not. In the middle of giving tips, the Makeup Artist name-drops Angelina Jolie and curses all in the same breath.

Jason Alexander's Cringe-Worthy Jenny Craig Ad
In case you were wondering, the Seinfeld curse is alive and well. You may have been nominated for an Emmy, Julia-Louis Dreyfus, but Jason Alexander wasn't. He's currently losing weight in the girliest way possible.

Trailer for Stephin Merritt Documentary Strange Powers Looks Phenomenal
f you don't know who Stephin Merritt is, please get acquainted. This documentary follows Merritt, one of the most brilliant songwriters of the past generation, and looks at a side of him his fans have never seen before.

Every Violent Act From Last Night's Super Bowl Commercials
Someone collected every slap, hit, and punch-buggy from all of this year's Super Bowl ads and mashed them up into one, glorious, violent 30-second video. Watch and cringe.