EBay billionaire Meg Whitman takes care of her son. Griff Harsh's internet privacy has been zealously protected, and he had a defacto bodyguard at Princeton. Now Whitman's gubernatorial campaign has rewarded the company that gave delinquent Harsh an unlikely job.

Whitman doesn't like to draw attention to son Griff. After all, he was suspended from Princeton and has a reputation for entitled belligerence when drinking. Yet she's publicly funneling money to Solamere Capital LLC where, last time we checked, Harsh worked as an "analyst." According to newly released campaign expenditure filings, Whitman For Governor 2010 spent $96,000 with Solamere in four months:

That's especially odd because Solamere Capital is not a political consulting firm. It pitches itself as an investment firm focused on private equity. It had reportedly raised close to $200 million as of June, and counts former Walmart CEO Lee Scott among its partners.

Of course, it's worth noting that the firm's co-founders include the son of Mitt Romney, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts and presidential candidate, and Spencer Zwick, a former finance director for Romney's campaign.

Zwick is also an advisor and director for Whitman's campaign. But he's collected more than 40 payments related to that work from Whitman through his SJZ, Inc., according to finance records. So why would Whitman pay additional money through Solamere?

Maybe the firm is providing the campaign with financial advice. Like how to keep an errant son gainfully employed, lest he start threatening to show up on the campaign trail as a volunteer.