Here's an appropriately lo-res image of J.D. Salinger's home and barn in Cornish, N.H., via Google Maps.

That's his barn on the left, and his house on the right, with the driveway that Ron Rosenbaum stood hesitantly outside of in 1997 leading up from Lang Rd. You can get a clearer view of the layout from this planning map, courtesy the Sullivan County, N.H., Register of Deeds:

Mercifully, Google's StreetView spies stopped on Lang Rd. and turned around about just about a mile short of his home. This is what the road to J.D. Salinger's house looks like, and it's as far as Google will take us:

UPDATE: Mike Riggs, the online editor of Tucker Carlson's Internet Tendency, paid a visit to the Salinger estate a while back and snapped this photograph of the barn, which he was kind enough to share with us. Nice barn, isn't it?