The speech from DC dominates the speech from SF, and the White House must be pretty happy with the headlines — the messages that Obama wants to restart and concentrate on jobs come through loud and clear.

Of course cynics might say this new focus has something to do with a lost election in Massachusetts and upcoming midterms. Peter Baker, in the Times, says Obama tried to recapture some of the 'yes we can' of his campaign. Which is perhaps not a bad idea. The Washington Post bolsters his theme by emphasizing that the President's barbs were against partisan politics in DC, and most of the headlines or first paragraphs feature the word 'jobs'. Notably the Daily News.

Other non-Obama news:

  • The papers prove how valuable reading them on a new web device would be... by reporting on the arrival of the Apple iPad a day after it happened and was instantly analyzed on the web.
  • The New York Post leads with Mayor Bloomberg's coming out against the New York terror trial.
  • And the Wall Street Journal has a look at the ways bankers are getting around their ostensibly diminished bonuses.

Disclosure: I freelance write and report for newspapers that are included in this roundup. Where there is a direct conflict of interest I will make it clear.

The New York Times: says that Obama tried to convince Americans that he shares their priorities, and that the speech was an attempt to recapture some of his campaign magic. They also report on Mayor Bloomberg's dislike of the 9/11 trial venue (in his backyard), the iPad launch yesterday, Toyota's continuing woes and have a great dispatch from Dexter Filkins in Afghanistan.

The Washington Post: has three stories on Obama's speech — the news piece, something on the context and analysis of the politics. The iPad also gets a look in, as does a miraculous Haiti rescue and trouble at the Washington Wizards.

The LA Times: reports, then analyzes the speech in the same way as most others — as an attempt to recapture the magic of last year. They also cover the Toyota recall, the iPad, Haiti and take a look at migrant difficulties in Nebraska.

The Wall Street Journal: make do with one State of the Union story on the cover, have a list of iPad stories to explore and a report on how bankers will get round curtailed bonuses. They have a nice look at the new Toyota president, and how he's dealing with their crisis, and a feature about Stephon Marbury's move to China.

The New York Post: goes with Bloomberg's words on the 9/11 trial being held in Manhattan.

The Daily News: is pretty unambiguous in its takeaway from Obama's speech.

Albuquerque Journal:about 20 local papers go with this quote as a headline. Here's one from New Mexico, because why not?

AM New York: have gone for a rendition of Steve Jobs as Moses, but have ended up with him looking like a mistreated Abu Ghraib detainee.